Masters Thesis

Embracing wanderlust: a conceptual replication exploring the relationship between travel experiences and savoring

This paper suggests that conceptual replications are key to making science cumulative by helping generalize findings and ensuring intersubjectivity. Attempts were made to conceptually replicate previously proposed findings (e.g., Quoidbach et al., 2015) that accumulating travel experiences may undermine a person's ability to savor pleasant, but more ordinary experiences. In line with the original experiment, we manipulated participants' perceptions of feeling well-traveled and subsequently measured how much they savored their experience going through a virtual tour of a tourist attraction in Boston. Study la and lb successfully replicated the original manipulation, making participants feel a sense of being well-traveled. However, Studies 2, 3, and 4 failed to replicate the original findings that feeling abundantly traveled hindered savoring. We discuss the importance of conceptual replication in the current debated topic.

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