


Recent Submissions

  • Paul, Eric Harrison (San Francisco State University, 2019)
    According to John Rawls, a well-ordered liberal democratic society requires citizens to possess the virtue of reasonableness, regarding fellow citizens as standing in a relationship of reciprocity among equals. To maintain ...
  • Henrick, James Lawrence (San Francisco State University, 2019)
    Pierre Hadot’s criticism that Michel Foucault advocates a modem day form of Dandyism has animated much d'".cussion among modem ethical theorists. Yet, little research has been done into the history of Dandyism and its ...
  • Wondyfraw, Mikias Tilahun (San Francisco State University, 2019)
    This paper aims to address the issue of police violence in local police forces by drawing attention to the structural features that are often unnoticed in department practices. My goal in this paper is to demonstrate how ...
  • Thomas, Michelle Elena (San Francisco State University, 2019)
    I will use empirical evidence to support the argument that there is a possible dissociation between processes of consciousness and processes of attention such that the two independent systems work in tandem and simultaneously. ...
  • Nealon, Natalia Cathryn (San Francisco State University, 2019)
    Curiosity is a central trait that initiates our epistemic pursuits. How one engages with it, both reliably and responsibly, will be highly entwined with virtuous insensitivity: that which constrains our curiosity in such ...